The sunshine, the mild temperatures and the high humidity present on the island mean that, both in the forest areas and in the entire olive grove, there are many invertebrate species, the majority of which are not recorded. Of the invertebrates, some rare or endemic species live here, such as
the spiders Dysdera corfuensis, Lepthyphantes corfuensis and Dysderocrates gasparoi,
the dragonflies Ceriagrion georgifreyi and Pyrrhosoma elisabethae,
the beetles Dendarus corcyrensis, Psylliodes wachsmanni, Echinodera corcyrensis, Polydrusus crinipes and Otiorhynchus gravidus,
Panorpa rufostigma mekoptera,
the moth Cacochroa corfuella,
the wasp Opius corfuensis,
the locusts Euchorthippus declivus and Sphingonotus personatus,
the crickets Poecilimon thoracicus and Ruspolia nitidula,
the dolichopoda Dolichopoda steriotisi,
the isopod Armadillidium simile and
the land crab Potamon fluviatile.