Dendarus corcyrensis
According to the legend, when the fairies saw that they could not coexist with mortals, they transformed into dragonflies. This way they were able to stay close to humans and at the same time keep their wings. Only the worthy among men could now recognize them in their old form.
The island of Corfu, due to its geographical position and the prevailing climatic conditions, has a number of wetlands such as lagoons, former salt marshes, marshes, lakes and small rivers that retain water throughout the year. These wetland ecosystems are home to many different species of animals such as invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds.
Among the invertebrates, dragonflies and other winged water insects stand out, making their presence evident with their characteristic flight and beautiful colors.
The Order Dentognathia consists of 2 main Suborders that include various winged insects under the common name “dragonflies” (helicopters or airplanes).
– The Anisoptera (Anisoptera), or large dragonflies with a length of 40 mm up to 80 mm
– The Zygoptera (Zygoptera) or small dragonflies with a length of up to 40 mm.
The presence of these insects in wetlands is considered a positive ecological indicator, synonymous with the good quality of the natural environment. It is pointed out that their larvae feed almost exclusively on mosquito nymphs and larvae, significantly reducing their population.
The name dragonfly comes from the Latin word “Libella”, which means hydrometer, or hydrostat, or fountain. This name indicates that these insects live in areas that have water.
Dragonflies lay their eggs in water or on aquatic plants. The eggs hatch into insect larvae which feed on living microorganisms, mainly mosquito larvae and pupae.
In the next stage of metamorphosis, the larva attaches itself to the plant stem and turns into a chrysalis.
At some point in time, different for each insect, the chrysalis transforms into a perfect insect and leaves its protective shell.
On their heads they have two short and thin antennae and two large eyes. The compound eyes of an adult dragonfly consist of nearly 30,000 ommatidia each. Her tiny brain can and does decode the signals given by these lenses and detect the slightest movement around her. Their feathers are transparent, colorless or mottled. The belly is long, thin and very vividly colored. It lives from 1-5 years as a larva in the water and 1 month as an adult. Dragonflies die in the fall. The dragonfly flies silently and can fly at 80 km. Its main enemies are birds (eg kingfishers) and spiders.