Dice snake (Natrix tesselata)
European blind or worm snake (Xerotyphlops vermicularis)
A small nocturnal species rarely seen during the day. Formidable climber and one of the two reverse snakes of Corfu. It feeds mainly on lizards. It is often mistaken for a viper. These cat snakes can be found in a variety of habitats including rocky terrain, woodlands, and even beaches usually with some scrub or bush vegetation. Sometimes they are found in residential areas close to human habitations.
Other populations in its extensive range inhabit steppes, semi-deserts and sometimes on the edges of mountain forests. They are found at elevations up to about 6500 ft (2000 m). The European cat snake is a great climber and often found climbing trees or walls.
These are small to medium snakes, with a slender and more or less cylindrical body and a rather short tail. The European cat snake grows to a maximum length of about 4 feet (120 cm) but on average they reach only about 24 inches (60 cm).
Their coloration varies with geographic range and among specimens, matching their surroundings to provide camouflage. They usually have a gold, tan, gray or light brown background color covered with darker blotches or crossbands on the back.
The head is flat, short, oval in shape and distinct from the neck. Their dorsal scales are smooth and the ventral scales are rounded. They have fairly small to medium eyes with vertical and elliptical pupils similar to those of cats, hence the species common name.