Eastern Montpellier snake (Malpolon insignitus)

Dice snake (Natrix tesselata)
The water snake (Natrix natrix) is a non-venomous Eurasian snake species. It belongs to the Colubridae family. Males much smaller than females. It is recognized by yellow and black patterns on the back of the head and two bright lines along the body. It is often found near water and feeds on insects, amphibians and small fish. It also eats scorpions that are dangerous to humans. Although it has a great resemblance to the viper, it is a completely shy and shy snake. 35-115 cm.
The water snake has a wide distribution. It is found almost throughout continental Europe as well as in the United Kingdom. To the east, its spread reaches as far as Mongolia, while south-east to Iran. It is found in northern Africa, in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. Absent from Ireland.