Agioi Deka, a small village, perched on the slopes of the mountain of the same...
Agios Markos is divided to the new and the old settlement. What is unique, however,...
The St. Mattheos (Ai-Mathias) on the south-western edge of Mesia is a capital village of...
Alimmatades is one of the five villages of the geographical area of Kratsalo, on the...
Ano and Kato Garounas are two villages built amphitheatrically on opposite slopes.
Capital of Mesia until 1912. Here lived Prospero Marini, an Italian Knight and exclusive salt...
Castellani of Gyros is built on the provincial road Skripero – Peroulades, in the north-western...
Episkopiana is the birthplace of the first Governor of Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias.
It is a long narrow lagoon with an area of approximately 6,000 acres.
Kynopiastes is an officially designated traditional settlement, 8 km south of the city of Corfu,...
It is the most impressive sample of the old life. A Venetian village, with ancient...
The large plateau of Mount Pantokratoras (ancient Histoni) is located at a height of 700m....